
Bolo Fofo

Sex Male
Level 2138
Reset 8
Vocation Elven Ranger
Guild a Member of Exilados por Kayaman
Last Login 30 June 2024 06:59
House Almaren4
Status offline
Created 30 April 2024 20:20
162,481,876,498 2138 93,353 140,030 96 100,200 56:00 60 41 10 10 10 303 146 10
Death List
28 June 2024 19:49 Killed at level 2114 by Ignorante (unjustified) (soloed)
28 June 2024 15:31 Killed at level 2136 by Ignorante (unjustified)
and by Uruk Warmaster.
27 June 2024 12:43 Killed at level 2126 by Ignorante (unjustified) (soloed)
08 June 2024 15:43 Killed at level 2049 by Distorted Demon (soloed)
08 June 2024 05:28 Killed at level 2034 by Ignorante (unjustified) (soloed)
  • Other visible characters on this account:
    Name: Level: Vocation: Last login: Status:
    Caliburn 1339 Dark Wyzard 24 June 2024 05:51 offline
  • Address: Fofo