

Sex Male
Level 1253
Reset 8
Vocation Dragon Slayer
Last Login 25 June 2024 03:48
House Almaren14
Status offline
Created 01 May 2024 00:36
32,648,676,587 1253 100,205 33,401 250 89,700 56:00 11 176 187 182 202 10 148 10
Death List
21 June 2024 22:01 Killed at level 1253 by Ignorante (unjustified)
and by Flamebringer.
11 June 2024 15:50 Killed at level 1139 by Ignorante (unjustified) (soloed)
09 June 2024 20:41 Killed at level 1024 by Morgoth
and by Olorion.
09 June 2024 20:22 Killed at level 1024 by Distortion Creator (soloed)
30 May 2024 18:40 Killed at level 1022 by Zenitsu (unjustified) (soloed)
