
Dragon Slayer

Sex Male
Level 304
Reset 0
Vocation Slayer
Last Login 29 June 2024 23:19
Status online
Created 30 April 2024 23:55
462,636,134 304 9,065 2,995 250 17,135 56:00 9 17 10 90 79 10 10 10
Death List
12 May 2024 18:21 Killed at level 307 by Taca Tijolo
and by Taca Flexa.
12 May 2024 02:06 Killed at level 306 by Lopes (soloed)
09 May 2024 10:31 Killed at level 306 by Razorkz (unjustified) (soloed)
08 May 2024 00:56 Killed at level 309 by Pedrowit
and by Tico.
06 May 2024 23:45 Killed at level 298 by Mountain Balrog (soloed)
  • Other visible characters on this account:
    Name: Level: Vocation: Last login: Status:
    Sherystone 109 Master Sorcerer 12 May 2024 22:22 offline
  • Address: Slayer