
El Papelon

Sex Male
Level 1001
Reset 8
Vocation Dragon Slayer
Last Login 26 May 2024 18:11
House Almaren3
Status offline
Created 02 May 2024 21:40
16,631,041,352 1001 88,865 29,621 185 74,580 56:00 10 183 201 170 202 10 186 10
Death List
24 May 2024 03:15 Killed at level 1001 by Gravewalker (soloed)
23 May 2024 23:31 Killed at level 983 by Bewitched Countenance (soloed)
23 May 2024 19:35 Killed at level 978 by Bewitched Countenance
and by Bolo Fofo.
23 May 2024 07:07 Killed at level 951 by Gravewalker (soloed)
23 May 2024 04:06 Killed at level 943 by Malevolix The Archdemon of Distortion (soloed)
  • Other visible characters on this account:
    Name: Level: Vocation: Last login: Status:
    Tele Mort 1161 Dark Wyzard 07 June 2024 01:17 offline
    Falco 8 Elder Druid 03 May 2024 01:06 offline
    Criss Cam Make 8 Master Sorcerer 26 May 2024 18:14 offline
    Telemort 8 Master Sorcerer 02 May 2024 16:53 offline
  • Address: Papelon