
Meki Keo

Sex Male
Level 1480
Reset 8
Vocation Dragon Slayer
Guild a Member of Exilados por Kayaman
Last Login 28 May 2024 03:11
House Almaren8
Status offline
Created 30 April 2024 22:13
53,846,493,998 1480 110,420 56 250 103,320 56:00 12 239 156 146 146 10 146 10
Death List
28 May 2024 02:46 Killed at level 1480 by Nany Returns
and by Buriza Do Kyanon.
28 May 2024 02:45 Killed at level 1480 by Thorkyo
and by Ze Pedrin.
28 May 2024 02:35 Killed at level 1480 by Nany Returns
and by Kylua.
28 May 2024 02:13 Killed at level 1480 by Nany Returns (unjustified)
and by Buriza Do Kyanon.
28 May 2024 02:07 Killed at level 1480 by Nany Returns (soloed)

Address: Keo